Sunday, July 29, 2012

Your Most Prized Possessions

Recently I received a call from my daughter's preschool teacher saying that the preschool was closing . . . forever!  I was brought to tears instantly.  We loved that preschool.  My older daughter went there, my youngest daughter had only just begun there last year, and I trusted the preschool staff like they were my own family.  I trusted them with my most prized possessions. . . my children.  Now we are on the hunt for a new preschool and new childcare provider.  This has left me sleepless and full of anxiety.  Who can I trust to love my kiddos like their own?  Who can I trust to nurture them and help them grow to their fullest potential?  Where will my kiddos be happy?

As I struggle with this dilemma, it makes me think of the parents of my students.  Thank you to those parents.  Thank you for trusting us with your most prized possessions.  Thank you for allowing us to love them, teach them, and help them.  During the time they are with us, we work to help them grow and flourish.  When they walk through the door of the school, I do my best to make sure your most prized possessions are safe, happy, and learning lots.  I care for them like I would want someone to care for my own children.  Thanks for putting your trust in me and the teachers.

Now if only I can figure out what to do with my own prized possessions . . .

1 comment:

  1. The questions never end do they? Being in both places is the best though! I think I've become a better teacher because of my kiddos. :) We have such different perspectives than starting 15 years ago.
