Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cuddle Up and Read


Fall parent teacher conferences are quickly approaching.  One question I am frequently asked at conferences is about how parents can help their students improve in reading.  My suggestion . . . make reading part of a family's regular routine.  To become better readers, students need practice and the way to do that is to read.

At my home, we read every night before bed.  It's part of our normal schedule.  My kiddos brush their teeth, put on their comfy PJs and we all settle in and read together.  Each child picks one book and if we have more time, we read more.  For my youngest, we read to her.  For my oldest, some nights she reads to us, some nights mom and dad read, and other nights we take turns.  This is a fun time.  We cuddle up and enjoy our time together.  It has helped to grow a love of reading in my children, and I encourage all families to try it.  As I sat there tonight with one kiddo in my lap and one next to my hip, I wished I could freeze time.

What if your child hates to read?  Read to them.  Pick a book that is interesting to your child.  Hearing you read is really important.  Children need to hear how fluent readers sound.  As you read, make sure your child is sitting next to you and point to the words as you read.  This helps them to make the connections between the written text and the words they hear you reading.

Give it a try.  You will help your child's reading skills and get some amazing quality time together.