Thursday, October 24, 2013

What's Best For Kids

Right now is a tough time to be an educator.  Between state assessments, moving to the common core standards and new evaluation systems there is a lot coming from many different directions.  All of that can be very overwhelming and I know has even caused some educators to question how much longer they should stay in the profession.  We can easily drown under this wave of reform.  But we should not.

Everyday we should ask ourselves, "Are we doing what is best for kids?"  In the end, that is what matters.  Are we preparing our kids for the future?  Are we teaching them the skills they need?  When our students leave us, will they be better off?  Will they look back and say thanks?

I'm not saying we should ignore the changes.  As a matter of fact, many of these changes, although overwhelming, are pushing us to do better for our students.  What I'm saying is do not get bogged down in the hype.  Do what you know is best for kids.  Let your moral and professional compass be your guide, and in the end everyone will benefit.    

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Loved, Cared for and Safe

I had the most amazing conference with a teacher and a family recently.  The teacher explained that she wanted to make sure that a new student in her class feels "loved, cared for and safe" while he's here at school.  I loved that.  Those words were exactly how I hope every student in our school feels.  I want every student to come to school everyday knowing that we are thrilled to have them here and that we are going to take care of them.  The smile on the parent's face assured me that she was delighted to hear those words as well.

The teacher talked about the importance of relationship building with her students, and she is so right!  Just like we as adults would never want to work for a boss who seems cold and uncaring, our students are the same.  Our students need to know that we care about them, that we want to be with them and that we want to help them.

I am lucky to work with such caring teachers and thankful that I have a job that allows me to be a part of so many students' lives.