Monday, March 25, 2013

Thanks and Goodbye

I took it for granted.  I thought it would be there forever, and now I find out it won't.

When I tell my current friends and colleagues about my high school experience, they often think I'm joking.  I graduated with a class of 23.  Yep, 23 students total in my senior class.

I attended Marion Catholic High School, home of the Fighting Irish.  We were small in size, but big in other ways.  For me, those other ways were opportunities.  In a school that small, no one is turned away.  You want to be in show choir, but you can't carry a tune?  Come on in, we'll still teach you all the songs and cheesy dance moves.  You want to be a cheerleader, but you are a quiet, reserved person?  We'll teach you how to stand proud in front of the crowd.  My list could go on and on.

For some, I know a small school is confining.  For me however, it opened up the world.  I was able to try things I might not have been able to do in a different environment.  I felt supported and encouraged to become the best person I could be, and I am so thankful for that.

I was sad to read this week that my alma mater will be closing at the end of the year.  I am thankful for all that Marion Catholic gave me.

I hope that now as I guide my own children and students, that I can give them the same support and encouragement that my teachers, parents and classmates gave me.

Thanks Marion Catholic for giving me the foundation I needed to be strong and the support structure I needed to grow.  You will be missed.  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Our Specials Teachers are Special!

I have a daughter that is one smart cookie and does well in school, but she LOVES her specials classes.  She loves to come home and tell me what she did in Art, Phys. Ed., or Music class.  To her, these classes are just as important as reading, writing and math.  I agree!  They are helping to make her a well rounded person and exposing her to new ideas and ways of thinking.

At my school I am blessed to have amazing specials teachers.  They care about kids, energize students, and are awesome at what they do.  This year, I have been overwhelmed by what a great job they have done collaborating with one another.  They work on projects, brainstorm grants, and bring their classes together for great experiences.  It is amazing!

One more thing I have to brag about them . . . All 3 have worked hard to share what they are doing with families.  When you teach 600 kids a week, it's not easy to communicate with all of your students' families.  These teachers however have harnessed the power of technology to share their classrooms with our families.
They are an amazing group!